web services

Web services


Kernel Lab provides a web development service based on technologies such as MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML ... If your application requires centralized data management, Kernel Lab builds database-based web services. Data management can be performed by any person without any programming experience and knowledge through a simple and intuitive interface.

Creating custom web services

If your mobile application aims to display data that is updated on a daily basis, then your project is a candidate for creating a centralized web content management service. This web service is based on a database in which the information to be displayed in the mobile application is stored. Data management is done through an administrator panel that is designed for the needs of your application. Data manipulation is done from one location, and all data is visible to end users immediately, whether it's Android, iOS, or Web applications.

  • Centralized management
  • Multiplatform communication (JSON or XML)
  • A simple client application
Web servisi